Tuesday, February 15

For You :p

I've got this wonderful boy that loves me. And honestly, it feels great. I've never been so insanely crazy about anyone before in my life. I mean, sure, I've done some crazy shit because of boys before, but this is different. I stick with him and put up with everything he does and doesn't do. Which is not something I've been known to do. So he's special. The exception to everything. And I love him. :)
So enough babbling. I'll mostly post quotes on here, but pictures may slip in every now and then. Hope you like! :)

If you don't understand my silence, you don't deserve my words.

It's crazy how he can't bear to see me by another guy's side, but he doesn't want me right by his either.

You can call it fate or destiny. Sometimes it really seems like it's a mystery cause you can be hurt by love or healed by the same. Timing is everything. It can happen so fast or a little bit late; timing is everything.

The greatest war ever fought is between a girl's head and her heart. The mind telling her, "There's no way." The heart whispers, "Maybe someday..."

And it became so clear so suddenly, baby, you're allergic to honesty.

Every man needs a woman when his life is a mess. The queen protects the king in the game of chess.

It's waking up in the middle of the night for no reason, shifting under the blankets and feeling the heat of the person next to you. You turn around and see them in their most peaceful, innocent, and vulnerable state. They breathe as though the weight of the world is on anybody's shoulders but their own. You smile and kiss their face gently before turning back around and somehow, an involuntary grin forms on your face. Just before you drift off to sleep, you feel an arm wrap around your wait and you know. :)

There are times when we won't see each other for a while, he's got his life and I've got mine. But then all he has to do is smile and he has me again.

Sure, it's nice to trust people, but never stop relying on yourself.

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