Thursday, September 16

Pinky promise

Have you ever made a pinky promise? I love pinky promises. Especially with my best friends and boyfriends. I feel like pinky promises are special, you know? Like, anyone can make a promise, say they're going to do something, and it's no big deal. Usually they're small promises. Like, a friend promises they'll be at a party. But if they don't show, it's normally not a big deal, right? People break promises all the time. In fact, I've come to expect that promises made by word of mouth are going to be broken. But pinky promises are different. They're more intimate, right? For a second, you're holding another person's pinky. You're locking eyes, and promising something. and both of you are going to remember that moment, that promise, because it was so intimate. So if I make a pinky promise to you, you'd better believe Imma keep it. : D

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