When you get up in the morning for class, it's difficult to make yourself get dressed and get ready for the day, right? So if you're like me, you set your alarm an hour early and snooze until you can't snooze no more. So this morning I get dressed and go to the bathroom to do my beauty thing, and then realize I have 20 minutes until I leave for class. Normally, this isn't a big shock, but I still hadn't eaten breakfast. And I'm a really slow eater. It takes me 20 minutes to eat a bowl of cereal.
Anyways, I turn on my computer to check the notes for class really quick, and the first thing I see is that class is canceled today. My first reaction is, "hooray!" And then I scroll through the page, checking everything else. And then I think, "well...now what?" So here I am, doing the little homework I have to do and my class hasn't even started yet. What am I going to do for the next hour?!
So today, I sat down to really work on getting my paper done and to a point that I was at least satisfied with enough so that I could turn it in. I get to my room, and my roommate had the lights off, the door open, and the tv on. I think, "hey, no big deal." So I open my laptop, and pull up the song lyrics I'm analyzing for my paper. I'm reading them and trying to remember exactly the way the song sounds in my head. I can't hear it in my head well enough, so I click on the play button on the website. Only to realize that when I try to listen, I can't hear it because of the tv and the noise from outside. So I get up and close the door thinking that would solve the problem. Turns out, that wasn't enough. So I pull out my headphones and plug them in to my laptop to listen to the song a few times. Once it's successfully stuck in my head, I pull out the headphones and open Word to start on my paper. I'm typing the first sentence when a dormmate knocks on the door, then opens it without me answering first. My roommate's fallen asleep by now, and so my dormmate decides that I'm good enough to talk to about whatever issue she was having. I half-listen politely, and then gently push her on her way. I push through the first paragraph of my paper, and realize that it took me half an hour to write the paragraph. Which is unusual for me. Then I realize that I'm so distracted by the tv that my paragrapgh doesn't even make sense. Fed up, I moved to the study lounge on my floor, and just like that, my paper was done an hour later.
So I'm going home today, and I'm super excited. I haven't been home since I moved in! I miss my family and my dog SO much. This weekend is going to be really exciting, too. I'm getting red highlights in my hair and my cousin's having a birthday party. Geez...she's gonna be 12! In my mind she's still 7, but you know how that is. I'm the oldest of my cousins on both sides of my family, so my family was super excited to send me to college. Then on Sunday, I get to see all the people at my church that I miss so very much. I was really active in my church before I left, and now I feel useless. Well, it's time to pack up my stuff and figure out how the heck I'm going to carry it to my car. See you all Sunday evening! : D
Have you ever made a pinky promise? I love pinky promises. Especially with my best friends and boyfriends. I feel like pinky promises are special, you know? Like, anyone can make a promise, say they're going to do something, and it's no big deal. Usually they're small promises. Like, a friend promises they'll be at a party. But if they don't show, it's normally not a big deal, right? People break promises all the time. In fact, I've come to expect that promises made by word of mouth are going to be broken. But pinky promises are different. They're more intimate, right? For a second, you're holding another person's pinky. You're locking eyes, and promising something. and both of you are going to remember that moment, that promise, because it was so intimate. So if I make a pinky promise to you, you'd better believe Imma keep it. : D
So yesterday a couple of my friends went to Indy to get a tattoo. They asked me to go with them, and since I've always wanted to get a tattoo, but didn't really know how to go about doing that, I decided it would be good experience to go and see how it's done. We left around 6, and after a few wrong exits, got to Indy around 7:30. The tattoo that my friend originally picked out was too small, and so he had to decide whether he wanted to make it bigger, or not get one at all. Fortunately, he decided to make his tattoo bigger. His girlfriend and I got to sit in while he was getting the tattoo, and watching was really cool. It was amusing to watch my friend be really macho about the pain in front of his girlfriend. He was digging his fingernails into the sides of his fingers the whole time, but he told her that it didn't really hurt. The tattoo looked pretty cool when it was finished. What I found hilarious was that the tattoo artist masking taped saran wrap to my friend's chest once they were done. "To stop the bleeding." he said. Turns out that wasn't very effective, though. On the way home, my friend started bleeding through his shirt. We had to stop at walmart to pick up some lotion for his chest, and a lot of people stared at him and his bloody shirt. And that's my exciting tattoo story.
For health class this week, I had to take an extremely long health assessment survey. As I already knew, I'm a very healthy person. I work out, I work hard on school work, I get along with people really well, and I take care of myself physically and mentally. Now, I already knew that my eating habits sucked. But what I didn't know was that I was setting myself up for disaster. If I keep eating the way I am, I could actually cause myself a lot of physical pain. Headaches, stomachaches, and even colds. Now I know this may seem obvious to a lot of you, but I never really thought about how eating sugary goodies before bed without a real dinner, or a real lunch for that matter, could make you so ill. That's my scary thought for the day...night. : )
Today in my health sciences class, we talked about stress. Something that I'm sure all of you are familiar with. I know I am. Anyway, my teacher was trying to relax us by doing one of those "close your eyes and picture yourself on a boat in the ocean" things. And let me tell you, when you're as unofficially ADD as I am, those things are hard to do. Especially when it goes on for ten minutes! I mean, geez, lady, I've got better things to do! So I'm sitting in the middle of class sighing and tapping my foot, when all of the sudden someone breaks some kind of glass bottle a couple rows behind me. Most exciting thing all day! So in the middle of this exercise, my side of the classroom is constantly looking down at their feet to make sure that the liquid streaming down the isles isn't going to go near them. There's all kinds of muttering and squealing, and so I stopped noticing the exercise and therefore was no longer annoyed. : D
Oh yeah! And she showed us this video which completely redeemed her, by the way. Youo should all watch this, it's kinda long, but amusing nonetheless. Enjoy!