Tuesday, July 12

If you miss me, prove it

You know, there are some days when I really feel like this could work. Like you and I are finally going to get it right. Then there are days like today, when you make me want to tear my fucking hair out.

I wish it could be simple. Like a retro pop song, "I want you to want me," boom. End of story. We all live happily ever after. But it's never really like that, is it?

Right now, it's about to storm. It's been crazy humid for a couple days, and it's going to be intense. Prolly. And the only thing I can think is that I want to be out there when the downpour begins. I want you to be there with me. I want to ask you if you'd like to dance in the rain with me. I'd like to show you what letting go really is. What it feels like. I want to run out while it's pouring down rain and spin around in it. I want to get soaking wet and look back to see you smiling at me, calling me crazy and telling me that you hope I brought a change of underwear. But we won't be spinning in the rain tonight. Why? Because you're busy. You're tired. We have problems, real, big problems, and you're running.

I looked hot today. You missed it.

Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.

I make mistakes. Big ones. But I rarely make them twice.

When I decided to be with you, I made a choice. And I keep making that choice every day.

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