Day 1 - 10 people who have/had impacted your life and why
Day 2 - 9 memories you can’t leave behind
Day 3 - 8 things that are on your mind right now
Day 4 - 7 bad habits
Day 5 - 6 lies
Day 6 - Name 5 ex boyfriends/girlfriends and which one meant the most to you?
Day 7 - 4 phrases you say a lot
Day 8 - 3 confessions
Day 9 - 2 quotes/sayings/songs etc. that keep you motivated
Day 10 - Write about the 1 person you constantly think about. Who’s this person and why?
1. I hate tigers
2. I hate reading
3. I can play videogames.
4. Rain makes me sad.
5. I don't know anything about football.
6. I don't like chocolate.
Tuesday, October 19
Tuesday, October 12
the 10 days
Day 1 - 10 people who have/had impacted your life and why
Day 2 - 9 memories you can’t leave behind
Day 3 - 8 things that are on your mind right now
Day 4 - 7 bad habits
Day 5 - 6 lies
Day 6 - Name 5 ex boyfriends/girlfriends and which one meant the most to you?
Day 7 - 4 phrases you say a lot
Day 8 - 3 confessions
Day 9 - 2 quotes/sayings/songs etc. that keep you motivated
Day 10 - Write about the 1 person you constantly think about. Who’s this person and why?
1. procrastination
2. I can't focus on anything but the tv when it's on
3. I don't tell people when something is wrong
4. I forget a lot of things
5. I drink soda too much
6. I eat too much candy
7. I'm attached to my phone
Day 2 - 9 memories you can’t leave behind
Day 3 - 8 things that are on your mind right now
Day 4 - 7 bad habits
Day 5 - 6 lies
Day 6 - Name 5 ex boyfriends/girlfriends and which one meant the most to you?
Day 7 - 4 phrases you say a lot
Day 8 - 3 confessions
Day 9 - 2 quotes/sayings/songs etc. that keep you motivated
Day 10 - Write about the 1 person you constantly think about. Who’s this person and why?
1. procrastination
2. I can't focus on anything but the tv when it's on
3. I don't tell people when something is wrong
4. I forget a lot of things
5. I drink soda too much
6. I eat too much candy
7. I'm attached to my phone
Thursday, October 7
days: 10 of them
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Well... |
Day 1 - 10 people who have/had impacted your life and why
Day 2 - 9 memories you can’t leave behind
Day 3 - 8 things that are on your mind right now
Day 4 - 7 bad habits
Day 5 - 6 lies
Day 6 - Name 5 ex boyfriends/girlfriends and which one meant the most to you?
Day 7 - 4 phrases you say a lot
Day 8 - 3 confessions
Day 9 - 2 quotes/sayings/songs etc. that keep you motivated
Day 10 - Write about the 1 person you constantly think about. Who’s this person and why?
1. I'm expecting a phone call. : )
2. I'm going homeeee this weekend!
3. I need to read for psych class. and extra for this english website thing.
4. Music! I need it.
5. My feet hurt. Because I was dumb enough to wear heels for no reason.
6. I finished my to do list today... that almost never happens.
7. I wanna swim SO bad.
8. I always get a lil scared driving through Indy.
Wednesday, October 6
10 days
Day 1 - 10 people who have/had impacted your life and why
Day 2 - 9 memories you can’t leave behind
Day 3 - 8 things that are on your mind right now
Day 4 - 7 bad habits
Day 5 - 6 lies
Day 6 - Name 5 ex boyfriends/girlfriends and which one meant the most to you?
Day 7 - 4 phrases you say a lot
Day 8 - 3 confessions
Day 9 - 2 quotes/sayings/songs etc. that keep you motivated
Day 10 - Write about the 1 person you constantly think about. Who’s this person and why?
1. Gramma's pool.
2. Christmas at home.
3. Christmas on dad's side.
4. Christmas on mom's side.
5. Thanksgiving/Nathan's birthday.
6. 8th grade science with Hannah. And Mr. Hudson, of course.
7. Getting my job at the theater.
8. Graduation!!
9. Moving from home to go to BSU.
Day 2 - 9 memories you can’t leave behind
Day 3 - 8 things that are on your mind right now
Day 4 - 7 bad habits
Day 5 - 6 lies
Day 6 - Name 5 ex boyfriends/girlfriends and which one meant the most to you?
Day 7 - 4 phrases you say a lot
Day 8 - 3 confessions
Day 9 - 2 quotes/sayings/songs etc. that keep you motivated
Day 10 - Write about the 1 person you constantly think about. Who’s this person and why?
1. Gramma's pool.
2. Christmas at home.
3. Christmas on dad's side.
4. Christmas on mom's side.
5. Thanksgiving/Nathan's birthday.
6. 8th grade science with Hannah. And Mr. Hudson, of course.
7. Getting my job at the theater.
8. Graduation!!
9. Moving from home to go to BSU.
Tuesday, October 5
the 10 day thing
so there's this 10 day thing that one of my favorite quote sites is doing, and I thought I'd do it on here, just to see what it's like. And... here goes. : D
Day 1 - 10 people who have/had impacted your life and why
Day 2 - 9 memories you can’t leave behind
Day 3 - 8 things that are on your mind right now
Day 4 - 7 bad habits
Day 5 - 6 lies
Day 6 - Name 5 ex boyfriends/girlfriends and which one meant the most to you?
Day 7 - 4 phrases you say a lot
Day 8 - 3 confessions
Day 9 - 2 quotes/sayings/songs etc. that keep you motivated
Day 10 - Write about the 1 person you constantly think about. Who’s this person and why?
1. Mom. She's always been there, and she's always put up with my laid back attitude about EVERYTHING. My mom and brother are very uptight and perfectionists whereas my dad is semi-uptight and I'm completely uptight-free. I hardly ever stress about anything, and it drives my mother insane. She'll ask if I have any homework and I'll tell her I have five papers and a website to bulid, thanks McArdle -_-, and she'll ask me what the heck I'm doing online talking to her. I love my momma. : D
2. Dad. My dad's really smart and really nerdy. I've grown up playing with Legos and making stops at ToyRUs so that dad can look at the Lego sets on road trips. He's hilarious and he has all these silly habits and hobbies. For example, right now he's really into those gold dollar coins, and he gives them out to everyone all the time. My church knows that when he does the children's moment, there are going to be Legos or gold coins involved somehow. He's been the humor and the rock in my family. My father never gives up.
3. Nathan. My brother and I have had an up and down relationship. We were really close when we were little. And by that I mean I treated him like a puppy. I carried him around and played with him and "taught" him things I thought he should know, like that red car he got for his 4th birthday? Yeah, that's mine. As we grew older and I became a cool teenager, my brother was now lame and annoying. We fought all the time, and honestly hardly even spoke to each other. I really don't know what went on in my own brother's life for about 4 years. How sad is that? But when I became a senior in high school, I became mature and found that my brother was actually pretty fun to hang with at home. We'd play games, and he'd try to teach me how to play video games. Now we text, rarely, and talk a lot, when we're around each other.
4. Michael. I've known this dude since kindergarten, and he's only ever deserted me once. We didn't really talk in middle school, but that's about the only time. We chat a few times a month, but we're not as close as we used to be. We used to be attached at the hip, and hang out all the time. He's always been like a big brother to me, and proven that if someone tries to hurt me, he'd defend me 100%. He lives back in my hometown in between jobs in Pennsylvania. and I do miss him a lot of the time. He's really warm, hahha.
5. Hannah. She is my bestest friend in the world and I miss her tons and tons here at BSU. She's back home at IU. I met her in 8th grade, and we've been attached at the hip ever since. We've been through so much together, and pulled each other out of really dark times in our lives. I couldn't picture a week without talking to her, and a month without hanging out with her. She and I get along perfectly because neither of us put up with any crap and we're always truthful. She's a girly girl, and she's the only girly girl I know that I can stand to hang out with. I hate the color pink, can NOT walk in heels to save my life, and hate hate hate to wear skirts or dresses. I usually put shorts on underneath. Anyways.
6. Aunt Danise. My aunt has always been the coolest aunt ever. She's so young and full of life. I've always wanted to be like her, and we look SO much alike. She's been through some really long and hard relationships in the time that I've been alive, and she totally can relate to me when I have issues with guys. It's always awesome to hang out with her, and she's got the coolest style. She works for the mayor and tends to be a bit of a workaholic.
7. Grandma Mitchell. She's the bestest cookie maker ever. And she quilts and makes clothes, which I love. My gramma has always made me dresses, and it's so much fun to go fabric shopping, and pick out what kind of dress I want. She makes wonderful clothes and blankets to keep us warm. She's always stood by me and my decisions even when she doesn't like what I've chosen. I love ya, gramma.
8. Zach. Zach was the first guy I really loved. We spent a little over 2 wonderful years together, and then things kind of fell apart for us. He has always been one of my best friends, and still remains one of my best friends. He's always cared about me and never intentionally hurt me. I will always be around for him whenever he needs me, just like he's always there for me.
I can't really think of anyone else REALLY significant, but I suppose 9 and 10 would be my teachers that helped me through tough classes and helped me learn life lessons.
So I'm pretty sure I excluded the last two people I want to put in here because the first one, David, I was kinda upset with, and the second, Ian, wasn't really being that great of a person. So I'll add them now.
9. David. David's special. Our friendship was kind of arranged by our fathers, haha. As weird as that sounds, it's true. When my church was getting a new pastor, my dad said that the guy had a son that was my age and that at the blowout thing that we were going to, I should say hi to him. And he'd be going to my school, so I should step up and show him around. And my response to this was, "Dad, I'm sure a guy my age is fully capable of handling a new school. He's prolly changed schools about 3 times by now. I'm sure he really doesn't need a short chick following him around making sure he's okay. He's got a mother already, hasn't he?" and to this, my dad just looked at me. So I sighed and promised I'd say hey to the "new kid". A semester later, my life was in shambles. I was extremely happy to discover that the "new kid", David, was in my new english class. I'd have someone to sit with at lunch and chill with in class. And turns out, he's one of the best friends I've ever had. He's amazing, and always there for me, as I am for him. And then, last semester, things got weird. He confessed he had romantic feelings for me, and everything went downhill from there. BUT, everything's very close to normal again, and it's really good.
10. Ian. Ian has been something of a lightening strike in my life. The moment I met him, really met him, I fell. He took my breath away, and I've been trying to get it back ever since. He and I are messed up people when it comes to love, but somehow it works for us. He's swept me off my feet, and I never want to be put down. He and I teach each other something new almost every day. We're always in some kind of tug of war, and it's prolly how we thrive. Basically, I've never felt this way in my life and I never want it to stop.
Day 1 - 10 people who have/had impacted your life and why
Day 2 - 9 memories you can’t leave behind
Day 3 - 8 things that are on your mind right now
Day 4 - 7 bad habits
Day 5 - 6 lies
Day 6 - Name 5 ex boyfriends/girlfriends and which one meant the most to you?
Day 7 - 4 phrases you say a lot
Day 8 - 3 confessions
Day 9 - 2 quotes/sayings/songs etc. that keep you motivated
Day 10 - Write about the 1 person you constantly think about. Who’s this person and why?
1. Mom. She's always been there, and she's always put up with my laid back attitude about EVERYTHING. My mom and brother are very uptight and perfectionists whereas my dad is semi-uptight and I'm completely uptight-free. I hardly ever stress about anything, and it drives my mother insane. She'll ask if I have any homework and I'll tell her I have five papers and a website to bulid, thanks McArdle -_-, and she'll ask me what the heck I'm doing online talking to her. I love my momma. : D
2. Dad. My dad's really smart and really nerdy. I've grown up playing with Legos and making stops at ToyRUs so that dad can look at the Lego sets on road trips. He's hilarious and he has all these silly habits and hobbies. For example, right now he's really into those gold dollar coins, and he gives them out to everyone all the time. My church knows that when he does the children's moment, there are going to be Legos or gold coins involved somehow. He's been the humor and the rock in my family. My father never gives up.
3. Nathan. My brother and I have had an up and down relationship. We were really close when we were little. And by that I mean I treated him like a puppy. I carried him around and played with him and "taught" him things I thought he should know, like that red car he got for his 4th birthday? Yeah, that's mine. As we grew older and I became a cool teenager, my brother was now lame and annoying. We fought all the time, and honestly hardly even spoke to each other. I really don't know what went on in my own brother's life for about 4 years. How sad is that? But when I became a senior in high school, I became mature and found that my brother was actually pretty fun to hang with at home. We'd play games, and he'd try to teach me how to play video games. Now we text, rarely, and talk a lot, when we're around each other.
4. Michael. I've known this dude since kindergarten, and he's only ever deserted me once. We didn't really talk in middle school, but that's about the only time. We chat a few times a month, but we're not as close as we used to be. We used to be attached at the hip, and hang out all the time. He's always been like a big brother to me, and proven that if someone tries to hurt me, he'd defend me 100%. He lives back in my hometown in between jobs in Pennsylvania. and I do miss him a lot of the time. He's really warm, hahha.
5. Hannah. She is my bestest friend in the world and I miss her tons and tons here at BSU. She's back home at IU. I met her in 8th grade, and we've been attached at the hip ever since. We've been through so much together, and pulled each other out of really dark times in our lives. I couldn't picture a week without talking to her, and a month without hanging out with her. She and I get along perfectly because neither of us put up with any crap and we're always truthful. She's a girly girl, and she's the only girly girl I know that I can stand to hang out with. I hate the color pink, can NOT walk in heels to save my life, and hate hate hate to wear skirts or dresses. I usually put shorts on underneath. Anyways.
6. Aunt Danise. My aunt has always been the coolest aunt ever. She's so young and full of life. I've always wanted to be like her, and we look SO much alike. She's been through some really long and hard relationships in the time that I've been alive, and she totally can relate to me when I have issues with guys. It's always awesome to hang out with her, and she's got the coolest style. She works for the mayor and tends to be a bit of a workaholic.
7. Grandma Mitchell. She's the bestest cookie maker ever. And she quilts and makes clothes, which I love. My gramma has always made me dresses, and it's so much fun to go fabric shopping, and pick out what kind of dress I want. She makes wonderful clothes and blankets to keep us warm. She's always stood by me and my decisions even when she doesn't like what I've chosen. I love ya, gramma.
8. Zach. Zach was the first guy I really loved. We spent a little over 2 wonderful years together, and then things kind of fell apart for us. He has always been one of my best friends, and still remains one of my best friends. He's always cared about me and never intentionally hurt me. I will always be around for him whenever he needs me, just like he's always there for me.
I can't really think of anyone else REALLY significant, but I suppose 9 and 10 would be my teachers that helped me through tough classes and helped me learn life lessons.
So I'm pretty sure I excluded the last two people I want to put in here because the first one, David, I was kinda upset with, and the second, Ian, wasn't really being that great of a person. So I'll add them now.
9. David. David's special. Our friendship was kind of arranged by our fathers, haha. As weird as that sounds, it's true. When my church was getting a new pastor, my dad said that the guy had a son that was my age and that at the blowout thing that we were going to, I should say hi to him. And he'd be going to my school, so I should step up and show him around. And my response to this was, "Dad, I'm sure a guy my age is fully capable of handling a new school. He's prolly changed schools about 3 times by now. I'm sure he really doesn't need a short chick following him around making sure he's okay. He's got a mother already, hasn't he?" and to this, my dad just looked at me. So I sighed and promised I'd say hey to the "new kid". A semester later, my life was in shambles. I was extremely happy to discover that the "new kid", David, was in my new english class. I'd have someone to sit with at lunch and chill with in class. And turns out, he's one of the best friends I've ever had. He's amazing, and always there for me, as I am for him. And then, last semester, things got weird. He confessed he had romantic feelings for me, and everything went downhill from there. BUT, everything's very close to normal again, and it's really good.
10. Ian. Ian has been something of a lightening strike in my life. The moment I met him, really met him, I fell. He took my breath away, and I've been trying to get it back ever since. He and I are messed up people when it comes to love, but somehow it works for us. He's swept me off my feet, and I never want to be put down. He and I teach each other something new almost every day. We're always in some kind of tug of war, and it's prolly how we thrive. Basically, I've never felt this way in my life and I never want it to stop.
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